Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My first post!

Welcome to my blog!

As you probably already know I am serving a year in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I am so excited to begin this journey/path that God has laid before me! I am really feeling called to Ireland and I hope that during my year of service that I will be able to love and serve the Lord however he may see fit. I am looking forward to a fun and challenging, but still exciting, year! :)

So some of you may be wondering how you can support me. Here's how. 
  1. Through prayers. Please pray for me and the people that I will live and serve with this year. 
  2. Keep up with my Blog! :) 
  3. Or make a donation. Either online or send a check to: 
 P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700

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