Sunday, April 22, 2012

Explanation of Northern Ireland, and the U.K. and more

Some of you may be wondering about the difference between Ireland and Northern Ireland and the U.K. Here is a video I found that explains it all very well, better than I can. So if you ever had any confusion about the U.K. or Great Britain or anything like that, this video explains it. Hope you find it helpful!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My first post!

Welcome to my blog!

As you probably already know I am serving a year in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I am so excited to begin this journey/path that God has laid before me! I am really feeling called to Ireland and I hope that during my year of service that I will be able to love and serve the Lord however he may see fit. I am looking forward to a fun and challenging, but still exciting, year! :)

So some of you may be wondering how you can support me. Here's how. 
  1. Through prayers. Please pray for me and the people that I will live and serve with this year. 
  2. Keep up with my Blog! :) 
  3. Or make a donation. Either online or send a check to: 
 P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700