Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What is community?

This is a question that has been floating around in my head for the past few days. Throughout orientation and moving into a new city my definition of community has definitely changed. I used to just see community as a place where you live. Now I have come to understand that it is so much more. Community is a way of life, its how you live and who you share your life with. I have come to discover that UNITY is a big part of COMMUNITY.
During my time here in Belfast I have noticed some of the differences between the communities in U.S. and here. Everything from language and food, to buses and history. But the most important difference I have seen is how the people here are aware of their struggles, but they are finding a way to make a difference.

In an effort to build up their society and neighborhood into a better place, they have created programs like the WAVE Trama Center, which helps with victims and survivors of the Troubles here in Northern Ireland. Or the LINK Center, which provides a safe space for kids to come and hangout after school. And even the churches have programs like kids club and boys brigade. Through these programs and many more all over the city they are slowly making these areas stronger in faith but also integrating peace.

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